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Monday, November 9, 2009

The Pink Stamper's new announcement

You are NOT going to believe this, but Robyn, The "Pink Stamper" has a DVD. That's right. I've placed an order and you may want to, too!! You can purchase this li'l gem on Custom Crop's website:- http://www.customcrops.com/

Here's what this li'l gem looks like:-Isn't it just the cutest li'l thing, ever? Her videos have always been inspiring and now you'll be able to have your very own DVD. BTW, I'm not getting a commission for advertising this. :-)


  1. Wow!!! Thank you sooo much! You are so sweet to post this!


  2. You are more than welcome, Robyn! It was a "given" for me to post this, as I was so happy for you! ;-)


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