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Friday, January 6, 2012

Bailey's Haul; Angel; Santa

Hiya.  As promised, here's a pic of what Santa brought for li'l Bailey.  The lion is bigger than he is!!  LOL

Here's hubby's Santa and my Angel:-

They complimented our "blue tree" perfectly.   :-)


  1. Well, that little Bailey surely looks like a happy little camper with his xmas haul!!! LOL! And, he really looks like he's smiling!!!

    Buster had a great holiday too! He received gourmet (doggie) cookies, a ball that lights up and has a recorder in it that I can record a message into for him and when it rolls it plays the message as the lights flicker! He actually got another ball too, one that dispenses treats, and a couple of those toys with no stuffing - like they advertise on TV...lol!!!

    Hugs, my friend!

    The ornaments are just beautiful!!!

  2. Looks like Bailey made a haul! So cute! Choxie and Ozzy got a bunch of new toys and bones. They have only cared about the bones. Hee! Hee! We give them each one, then they fight over the same one for hours. Choxie loves to start them off, but as soon as they get soft, Ozzy wants them. It goes back and forth for days. They are so little, it takes them a lot of time to get through them. Hee! Hee! At least when Shasta comes over (Mom & Dad's Schnauzer) she has a blast with their toys. They are so much fun!

  3. Oh how cute Bailey looks with all his Christmas goodies. AND i love the blue Santa and Angel.. very pretty...


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