
Background Image - Ladybug

Follow Me Frame

Follow Me Frame

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Translation Button

Welcome ladybug

Welcome ladybug

Thanks for stopping by

Thanks for stopping by. Hope you enjoy your stay!

I've noticed that I have visitors from all over the world. To make your stay more enjoyable, I have added a "translator" for you.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Blog candy......

Can you guess which FOUR different things I have added to my blog?

BTW --- there's actually FIVE different things, but you only have to guess FOUR! ;-)

The winner will win some "surprise" blog candy. The contest will be open until 10:00 p.m. PST, Wed. Mar. 24th.

If more than one person has guessed correctly, I will do the "picking", via Random.org.

Just leave your guess in the "comment" section and a way I can contact you. (your e-mail addy; or your blog name, etc.).

Good luck!


  1. OK I'll give it a shot....
    1) A new song
    2) A new button
    3) A new follower..me..LOL
    4) A new bug...LOL (picture)

    Thanks for letting me play! Probably not even close but I tried..plus I'm the 1st to try that has to be worth something!! LOL


  2. Im thinking the new lady bugs between the posts, email link, new about me and the new welcome above the post. :)

  3. Okay, Linda, here's my shot at it:

    1. The angel
    2. The ladybugs
    3. The "email" button
    4. The song "I'm Alive"
    5. The Hit Counter

    Hey, I tried... LOL!!!

  4. I think the background...email button, blinkie and the row of ladybugs...men we better pay more attention around us. Shame on me!!!!!

  5. Background, email me button, the welcome button, the header, the bug blog post dividers

  6. We already have a winner!!! :-)

    Still time to enter! ;-)

  7. I forgot to add the lady bug that says thank you for coming. I hope its not too late :)

  8. hi there, I think a lot of cute things!
    1. The blog background- just darling!
    2. The Email me sign!
    3. The ladybug dividers! So cute!
    4. The Side bar headers- like Follow Me, About Me
    5. The Love my bug Cricut sign( that might have been there)
    6. Music always changes so not sure.
    7. The Welcome Sign! Barb snowmanlover.blogspot.com
    This was FUN!! FUN! FUN!!! YOur blog looks great!

  9. Gosh it wouldn't let me comment, I had to sign in with another account but it finally went through


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