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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Punch Storage

Hiya! A lot of crafters use the Bygel rail to store their punches. This can be purchased at IKEA. Click THIS for picture.

But, for those who don't have an IKEA near them (like me!) and don't want to order online, you can purchase something very similar at your local WallyWorld (Walmart). I got mine for less than $4.00 per rod, and it works like a charm.

Check it out.....

You'll notice that I have my singular punches facing backwards. I have mine on the back of a door and I find that they stay in the rod a li'l bit better than facing frontwards. (esp. w/ the movement of the door back/forth). If you were to have these rods on a wall, there would be no problem w/ having them face frontwards. It was just the added movement of the door swinging that may cause them to jump out of their postion(s). lol

Hope this helps someone! :-)


  1. what a great alternative. I bought the bygel when I went to Cali, but yet to put them up. I wish we had a Ikea in Vegas.

  2. Hiya, Linda!!! LOL!!! You come up with some of the greatest ideas!!! I need you to live near me to help get me organized heee-heee! Love this idea!

  3. I have the IKEA ones and love them. We did put a molly blot in to give them more strength in the wall for the weight of the punches. I think I paid $2 each rod, but we have an IKEA within minutes of the house.

  4. Hey my friend...that is exactly, well not exactly, but the same concept I have on my pegboard for some of my punches. The only difference is I have one curtain rod and two long wood dowels I found around the house, hehehe, great minds think alike....my latest fav saying.........your package left yesterday..hugs and kisses!

  5. That is brilliant! Now I can do something similar back home, where we don't have an IKEA. Now why didn't I think of something like this??? Oh yeah, I don't have that many punches....yet!


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