Well, hubby didn't come home w/ the computer desk I wanted. BooooHoooo! He felt that, when he took it apart, he wouldn't be able to put it back together again because of the screws that had been used on it --- that they would rip the areas. He also thought it didn't have a very good stabilizer on the bottom. The gal that had it actually had to buy another unit because of this issue --- her printer and/or CPU station wouldn't sit properly on it. I didn't want to use the bottom for a printer/CPU, but just to store some plastic shoebox storage units. But hubby knows best and decided against it. Of course I was pretty upset. But. . . . . . he said that I could buy a new one!! And. . . . . Staples has a "clearance" on this item so, for $50.00 more, I'm getting a brand spankin' new one, which has a better bottom to it. Yippppeeeee!!! Awesome hubby, eh? :-)
Here's a pic of it:

The one I almost got didn't have the partition areas, which also act as a stabilizer. It just had a narrow slat going across at the back; hence, not much stabilization.
And, yeh, I know --- it's not "white" like most of my other craft/sewing furniture. But, I have a maple colored flip-top desk and small cart that I use for my Cricut Station. And. . . beggars can't be choosers! LOL This unit doesn't come in "white"; otherwise, I would've grabbed it. :-)
Soooo, I get to continue re-arranging, purging today. But it's a gorgeous day (have been few and far between) so Bailey and I will definitely be taking advantage of it. Cleaning goes on the "back burner". LOL
Have a great day!!! :-)
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